Wednesday, May 31, 2017


Alhamdulillah today marks the 5th day of us (Malaysian dan yang sama waktu dengannya) fasting. Still remember that I spent my previous 2016 Ramadhan working at Popular Bookstore. experience? excited woi kalau dapat morning shift. kalau offday lagi excited woi. anyway, it was fun also dapat free foods and berbuka with them seniors. mana nak dapat pengalaman camtu? alhamdulillah.

this year as a second semester student of chemical engineering. wow, I DID pursue my degree in chemical engineering. Allah The Almighty. my dream actually comes true. even before the UPU result comes out, I confidently answer people "insyaAllah chem eng dkt uitm shalam" when they asked me "degree nnt kat mana? course apa?" hahaha. saying it proudly without any guarantee. confident sgt tu kak. but all praises to Allah, that actually jadi doa yang dimakbulkan. terima kasih Allah. so it is already my eleventh week for this semester. yup, the closer it gets to Final Examination, the more work you will have. never had I thought degree life would be hectic. you chase time! you don't even feel it but if  I could visualize it, the time is like eating you slowly! Alhamdulillah that we got a week off. but yes with a tonne of works. may I list it down?

  • assignment Chemical Process Principle - design a system that produce propane 
  • assignment Organic Chemistry - design a system that produce a product from hydrocarbon 
  • tutorial chapter 5 organic chemistry
  • tutorial thermodynamics
  • TITAS test 
  • TITAS paperwork
  • final lab report
Test week on week 13. and then final started after my one week Eid holidays (week 15). ya Allah, Your plans are better than mine. #pleaseremindme huhu. Usually I don't really like pushing myself to study during holiday time as I spend it with my family or to relax myself. like pampering myself. even if I have to push myself, I would but... without any stress or pressure. but this week I feel the guilt if I just sit down doing nothing -____- may Allah bless haha.

Ahhh... now that I write things, I feel a lot better. I have actually been in quite i-dont-know-whats-wrong with myself phase that I feel depressed inside but I don't know apa yang tak kena??!! and I feel that it may turn into toxic if I don't expel out what I feel inside. hahah chaotic me. anyway may Allah grant strength to every working parents and people to gain Halal rezeki, blessings to every rezeki He gives, cure to every sickness, happiness to every sorrowfulness, and success to every hard-working people! may Allah light us with His guidance, open our heart to receive His hidayah and help us to become a better Muslim. ya Allah, I and I believe that most of us want to give the best to our parents and family. So make us work so hard and bless our effort ya Allah. Grant us success in this world and The Hereafter. Allow us to pass every tests with determination and flying colours. Give us the chance to obtain Dean list for every semester even if it seems impossible ya Allah. and make our parents proud of us. insyaAllah, aamiin.